Saturday 17 January 2009

Personal Computing: MacBook Day 1

For those who don't follow me on Twitter, today I "upgraded" my laptop to a shiny new MacBook.  If you are interested, it's the 2.4Ghz version with 4GB of RAM.  Enough of the specifications, how am I finding it so far?

I'm reminded of the time, many years ago (15+) I started to use Unix.  Previously I was a mainframe guy (professionally) and had used many different PCs - Amiga, Spectrum, Oric, BBC Micro, ZX-81, to name but a few, so change was never an issue.  However in a work environment, Unix was radically different.  In particular, I loathed the command line and the awful vi editor.  

Curiously I find myself in a similar position today.  I'm confident to say I know Windows pretty well.  In fact, after using the MacBook for a couple of hours, I realise I understand Windows intimately.  It is slightly unnerving that (a) I don't know where to find things (thx Storagebod for a few pointers) (b) I have no idea how best to organise the device I have just purchased.

This is an interesting situation to be in and in many ways reflects on my professional work.

Think about when you buy a new storage array; at that point you probably don't understand the intricacies of how it should be configured when taking into consideration best practices, standards, performance and so on.  That's one of the benefits of having help when deploying new technology.  It shortcuts that learning process.

Another thing that occurs is how much data I store online; Newsgator; RTM, DropBox to name but a few.  Perhaps cloud storage has been there for a lot longer than we think.

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